Friday, 12 August 2011


In preparation for the highly awaited unveiling of my collection of  bird photos, a modest disclaimer is needed I feel. The photos are terrible. I'm well aware of their ability to burn retinas and cause projectile vomiting. The "camera" used for all of my images is the one on the back of my phone (sony ericsson xperia x10) and is undeniably aweful. The poor camera is also further scuppered by the fact that pressing it against the telescope eyepiece results in no image whatsoever, for best results the camera lens needs to be hovered skillfully around 1cm away from the scopes eyepiece. Which is challenging. Despite all of the woes I face when taking a photo some of the results can possibly described as "not a complete bag of fetid shit".

See..... two wood sands at Eyebrook on Monday and they are almost identifiable!

................I will buy a camera at some point

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